2011年5月24日 星期二

倘若我耽延(提摩太前書三章15至16節) 【歌詞】



2011年5月17日 星期二

I do not know where they have laid Him


一、請告訴我,祂被移到何處?  1.I do not know where they have laid Him.
  石頭已輥開,只留下空墓。    The stone is taken away from the tomb.
  哦!有人已將祂移出,      Oh! they have taken Him away!
  祂在何處?           Oh! where is He?
二、門徒前來,親眼看見空墓;  2.Disciples came and saw the empty tomb;
  竟然就離開,回自己住處。    But went away so soon to their own homes.
  眼前事實,他們滿足,      They're satisfied with just the facts,
  祂在何處?           But, where's my Lord?
副:何處尋祂-主耶穌?     Where is He, my Jesus?
  何處尋祂-愛主?      Where is He, my Beloved?
  何處尋祂-我心所慕?    Where is He Whom my soul doth love?
  耶穌,摯愛,我要你,主。  Jesus, my love, I just want You.
三、我心破碎,失去最深渴慕;  3.y heart is broken from my deepest need.
  不要問我,婦人,你為何哭?   Don't ask me, angels, why I'm weeping.
  除了耶穌,別無滿足,      Nothing but Jesus fills my inner being.
  祂在何處?           Oh! where's my love?
四、轉過身來,看見復活耶穌;  4.Someone is standing right behind me.
  以為是園丁,我竟未認出;    It's just the gardener, I can barely see.
  以為他知主在何處,       Sir, if you've carried Him away.
  祂在何處?           Oh! where is He?
副:何處尋祂-主耶穌?     Where is He, my Jesus?
  何處尋祂-愛主?      Where is He, my Beloved?
  何處尋祂?指示我路。    Tell me where you have laid Him away,
  我要取祂,不畏險阻。    And I'll carry Him I'll carry Him away.
五、我聽見祂對我柔聲輕訴;   5.And then I heard a voice say, "Mary".
  甜美呼喚,進入我心深處。    That sweetest voice that penetrated me.
  熟悉聲音,就是我主,      It is the voice of my Beloved,
  是我耶穌!           Jesus, my love.
副:我已尋見主耶穌,      I have found my Jesus!
  我已尋見愛主,       I have found my Beloved!
  我已尋見我心所慕,     I have found Whom my soul doth love,
  耶穌,摯愛,我愛你,主。  Jesus, my love, I just love You!
六、得見我主,我心歡喜難述;  6.But Jesus told me not to touch Him yet.
  祂要升天,使父心滿意足。    He must ascend first to the Father;
  祂神、祂父成我們神、      And to My Father and your Father,
  我們的父。           To My God and your God.
副:你要升天,去見父;     Go and tell My brothers,
  要我告訴門徒:       I ascend to the Father
  你神已成我們的神,     To My Father and your Father,
  你父已成我們的父。     And my God and your God, Go tell My brothers.